The Twelve Healers Trust continues to support educational projects in Brazil, and is currently funding a trial project in Belgium with young asylum seekers.
The MYMOP manual along with blank forms is now available for free download from this site.
The Trust has supported the creation of an educational garden, as part of the Offshoots Permaculture project in Lancashire. The THT supplied educational materials to be used in the many courses offered for the local community. Jackie Stewart is leading this project and has a particular commitment to the use of BFR in the area of mental health.
Offshoots Permaculture Project recently won an award at the International Green Awards, for more click here
Collected Writing of Edward Bach
The THT is funding the translation of Dr Bach’s Collected Writings into Portuguese, to support on-going educational projects in Brazil.
If you would like a translation of Collected Writings in your language, then THT would be pleased to consider your request. Please contact:
The Hidden Geometry of Flowers
The Trust has been very happy to assist with the completion of Professor Keith Critchlow’s new book, The Hidden Geometry of Flowers, to be published by Floris books in August 2011. This exciting research sets a new agenda for looking at the botanical world.
Suggested other viewing: The Sphere of Sacred Geometry
The Trust made a small contribution to a community library project in Somerset, England.